A Month in Review…

I’m not even sure where to begin!  We’ve been SO VERY BUSY since Valentines day.  In the times I did happen to have a moment I went brain dead and watched a TV show or got sucked in by my newest love – Pinterest, and eying what possible treasures there might be to find on Craigslist or my local Freecycle.   Oh if I had the time and the space – the treasures I would bring home.  Well,  they would start out essentially as trash to everyone else but in my dreams they are treasures just waiting to be discovered.  One day I will prove myself worthy of these dreams but until then,  their fate shall lie in the hands of those unknown…  Well,  except for the beautiful desk and plain-Jane dresser soon-to-be shelving unit I did bring home much to the hubby’s dismay.    How can be blame me tho,  they called my name and alas,  he was far away in Texas for work and they needed me to save them NOW.   (If only he knew the gems I passed on…  HA!)
Anyway,  I digress.
To try and get myself back on blogging track we shall make this painful and simple, er, I mean painfully simple.  I shall attempt to upload a months worth of pictures to catch you up on our lives here.
Where to begin…

*   Valentines Day – well,  I posted on that   * We’ve celebrated our first birthday of this year * A treasured pet frog passed away and we had a proper burial, casket and all! * we had a good knock to a tooth on the  school playground and now we have a crooked big tooth but that’s OK because we already knew we’d be getting braces eventually * We made visit(s) to the dentist for cleaning * a tiny finger got slammed in a bedroom door and we’ve been watching it prepare to fall off * We tore up carpet in a bedroom and recarpeted as well as painted it too * I made two trips to the ER with the youngest.  One for the finger in the door and another time for seemingly instant dehydration from getting instantly sick – that was a fun 10hrs in the ER (YaWn) but at least I brought home a healthy kid again * Got a new fridge * We’ve spent time outdoors in this crazy, warm, beautiful March weather that I am now freezing my butt off in again * We’ve watched thunderstorms roll through * called for the thunder after the lightening * I went on a field trip with my 5yr old then proceeded to stay with her and walk around this amazing place for another hour or so after * Played at the school (park) * Played with bubbles outside * did a photo shoot with legos * trimmed trees and bushes * visited the in-laws at their farm house * found toads in the collected water on the pool cover – LOTS of them, watched them produce LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of egg strings and are now watching a bazillion tadpoles! * I (we) survived a week with Jeff gone * Molly, Jeff, and I had a secret Molly, Mommy, Daddy day when Jeff came home and took a day off work * got ice cream from two different places on the same day! * fed the ducks and the geese and played at a wonderful park by the water * completely reorganized the still packed boxes in the basement to prepare for room for a new treadmill * got the new treadmill * now have to completely reorganize it all AGAIN to make room for a new rented water system to be put in so we don’t have to smell the yucky water anymore.  HA! * and wow,   that pretty much brings us to now…  Somehow jotting it down in a “few” words like this just doesn’t seem like as much as it feels but alas,  I have been pretty busy.
Below are some pics & page links  from the past month plus some…

Ella is 8 now!

Frogs and Toads

OK,  I think about catches us up.  I still have other things I’d like to post but truly,  I’m not sure I picked the right blog host to do it all…  We shall see.  Look for more pics / posts to come of  hairstyles we tried and just spring and summer fun!
Time to go – eventually I hope to have a garage sale and with this early nice weather – I have a feeling they will be starting sooner this year then I planned – LOTS TO DO!

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One thought on “A Month in Review…

  1. Mom

    Love – love – love reading this post!!! How I wish we lived next door to you all to share in all the fun. My time always seems to short when I’m with you.

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